Monday, May 11, 2015

Where is Season 5 heading?

With 5 seasons and still going pretty strong, even with a channel change, My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic manages to teach people that weirdly-coloured ponies can't stop a show with lovable characters, an interesting world and memorable stories with some mature morals. However with Twilight Sparkle becoming the Princess of Friendship with a purpose to spread Friendship across Equestria, the mane 6 becoming what fans call the council of Friendship and a slightly out-of-placed crystal castle, what else is there left for the MLP team to do?

The season 5 opener, “The Cutie Map (or Cutie Mark-less)”, we are introduced to said Cutie Map and a unnamed village ruled by a unicorn named Starlight Glimmer where everypony has the same cutie mark. We later learn that she believes that cutie marks lead to nothing but segregation and broken friendships and has the whole village believe that same so they give up their own cutie marks. I bring this because I believe this two-parter set the direction for most of season 5, I think we're going to dive deeper into the ideas of cutie marks and the feeling of loss and confusion.

Think about it, in “Castle Sweet Castle” we see Twilight and Spike reminisce about their time in the Golden Oak Library and dealing with the heartache of losing their home.

In “Bloom and Gloom” the Cutie Mark Crusaders finally ask the question of what comes next after getting their cutie marks and worry about how it could change their life.

In “Tanks for the Memories” Rainbow Dash has to deal with not having her beloved Tank by her side for their first winter together.

And in “Appleloosa's Most Wanted” Trouble shoes mistakes his own cutie mark and believes that it means he needs to stay away from rodeos.

All the episodes so far have to deal with some sort of confusion of cutie marks and its concept or deal with the loss of something or someone important to them.Since Starlight escaped into the caves, I think Starlight will show up again every now and then to spread the idea of equality leading to true friendship, if anything fillies like the CMC could be her main target as they might actually believe that they could be better off without cutie marks, but either way I want to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon have their cutie marks ripped right off their flanks. Also seeing how this time the villain isn't a power hungry dictator like the last few, I don't think the elements of Harmony nor their Rainbow Powers can stop Starlight since she could have some cult followers backing her up. I think they will need to use a more diplomatic approach and try to convince ponies that what Starlight says isn't true,maybe even the ponies from the unnamed town like Party Favor or Sugar Belle will make another appearance, it’ll be like the end of Brave......

or Legend of Korra with Amon.

Honestly your guess is as good as mine at the point. Anyways,feel free to voice your opinions and tell me what you think is next.

See you next time.

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