Friday, May 22, 2015

5 shocking moments that happened in My Little Pony

My Little Pony has been recognized as a cartoon for little girls. While I think that that is not entirely true, it's a show for all ages and all who can accept it, it's still undeniable that the show is originally targeted for children so Hasbro can release their new pony play set. However, there have been moments where the whole 'made for kids' thing is questionable as some of these things while a little more cutified, are things I never even think would be on this show. So here are 5 shocking moments that happened in My Little Pony.

5. The appearance of Changelings and the invasion (A Canterlot wedding)

Weddings are sweet, aren't they? Picking the perfect wedding gown, planning the gorgeous decorations, and preparing the beautiful bride and groom. Now, let's chuck away all those usual wedding drama and add in an invasion!

Yup, instead of  girly wedding drama, we got an intense situation where Changelings (An actual mythical creature that feeds on love, for more info click here) invade Canterlot after Queen Chrysalis, the queen of the Changelings takes the form of Princess Cadance to feed on Shining Armor's love for her.

After weakening his magic, the Changeling army outside his protection bubble break through and crashing into Canterlot.

To think, Queen Chrysalis got strong enough to take down Princess Celestia,

they stopped the mane 6 from getting the elements,

they almost took over Canterlot and maybe even Equestria if not for the love of Cadence and Shining Armor making a love shield from blast the Changelings away.

4. Enslavement of the Crystal Ponies (The Crystal Empire)

Just watch this scene first.

Aren't we off to a great start?

Even after the empire returned and the crystal ponies safe from Sombra, they were not their cheerful, crystal-like selves. They seemed to have forgotten everything before their enslavement.

One of them says, "I'm sorry, I wish I can help you but I can't seem to remember anything before King Sombra came to power,
and I don't want to remember anything about the time he ruled over us." 

Although we never see what happened to them 1000 years ago that made them so scared of him, the fact that they are so terrified of just the thought of it and their reactions are more than enough to show that he was a tyrant and it scarred the crystal ponies.

3. King Sombra's death (The Crystal Empire)

Yeah, you thought Disney was the only one that could kill off characters, huh? Nope, the writers did it here too, you may not even notice it at first.

After Twilight finds the crystal heart, Sombra traps her. With no time to left to lose, Twilight tells Spike instead to give the crystal heart to Princess Cadence, he runs to get it to her but that's not without King Sombra trying to get to the heart himself.

In a final attempt, Shining Armor throws his wife over to Spike and Cadence catches the falling Spike and the crystal heart before Sombra could get it. With the love and light in the crystal ponies, they power up the heart and King Sombra and his dark crystals blow up. Yes, using the power of love and light, Sombra is blown to smithereens. Take that, Disney!

2. Battle scenes (A canterlot wedding and Twilight's kingdom)

The show rarely shows any form of violence, unless it's slapstick. Most of the enemies in the series are usually defeated in the same way, ala Rainbow-ex machina (AKA the elements of harmony).

So imagine people's reaction when they first go into the show and they see this. A full out battle with the changelings swarm to get to the elements so they can stop Queen Chrysalis.

Then there is the final episode of season 4, Twilight's Kingdom. After being entrusted Twilight with all the alicorn magic from the princesses to protect from Tirek, she tries to control it but Tirek comes looking for her. She tries running away but Tirek doesn't and blows up the Golden Oak Library. Fueled with anger, she chooses to fight Tirek and the MOST EPIC battle in My Little Pony goes down.

I'm not the only one who reminded of DragonBall Z, right?

1. Mane 6 insanity (Various episodes)

There have been a lot of weird and surprising imagery on the show, but none have been as creepy yet entertaining as the mane 6's insanity moments. The visuals are pretty damn disturbing, especially when you know their usual selves. The fans love these moments so much that they gave these personas their own names

(This is a warning for those younger ones and those who like the cuteness and purity of ponies, DO NOT SEARCH THESE NAMES ON THEIR OWN! What has been seen cannot be unseen, if you insist on doing so, you're on your own)

Pinkie Pie thinks no one likes her parties so she start throwing a party with herself, sort of. She slowly turns herself into what fans now called Pinkamena Diane Pie (What her mother used to call her when her mane was still flat)

Twilight Sparkle loses her mind when she realises she hasn't sent a letter on friendship to Princess Celestia, the pressure finally breaks her, fans call this persona as Insane Twilight or Twilight Psycho

Even sweet and calm Fluttershy went cuckoo and turns into Flutterrage once during the grand Galloping Gala when the animals were avoiding her and well this happens


Yup, friendship is magic, Kids!

If anyone says this is just a show for kids or little girls, this can be a defense. Anyways, that's all for now. Feel free to voice your thoughts.

Bonus: Here's a little something from lesson zero, have fun and go nuts.

See you next time.

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