Monday, May 11, 2015

Is Running Man dropping in comedy?

Running Man is a South Korean variety show that is loved by many fans all over the world, as seen in their international episode and one of their more recent one, “Mission Worldwide” and if you're familiar with the show you could see why. The mission and games are enjoyable and fun to watch, the chemistry between the members is strong and heartwarming, their humor can be seen in every episode and my god, the nametag ripping!

Because of these, it's not surprising that its one of the most recognized shows for South Korea and thanks to my sister, these are the reasons I love watching this show again and again and the reasons I am writing about this. Some of the fans think that the comedy in the show lately has dropped like its rating, and with so the enjoyment of watching each episode. I will be the first to admit that each show has its weaker episodes and Running Man is not exception, but to say that the show in a whole has dropped, I'm not too sure about that.

For some fans, they think that the show made a turn for the worse when Song Joong Ki left to pursue his acting career but most fans believe that it was after Choi PD left the staff to help with the China Running Brothers or Myuk PD who left for Inkigayo. It kind of reminds me of when the Brony fandom’s reaction when Lauren Frost left the show, people think that the show would go downhill but its seems after-wise, the show, for the most stayed as enjoyable and season 4 and 5 so far are the best I've seen. Both the comedy and the entertainment issue in Running Man are good questions but I'll have to split this 2 topic into 2 parts because this will be a 10000 word essay otherwise.

For the first part, let’s start with the comedy issue. What made the show so funny to begin with?

  • The interaction between members

Running Man has shown that they can make almost anything funny, and can make things funnier with anyone around them, the members have cute and interesting interactions between one another and the staff, especially Kwon Ryeol (Jae Suk’s personal VJ), FD Go Dong Wan and the PDs. 

After Song Joong Ki left

Nothing much changed, the only difference is that there are 7 members left, Running Man loses one of most enthusiastic member and the relationship with him in the show (Song-song couple/siblings: Joong Ki and Ji Hyo, Same-aged friends: Joong Ki and Kwang Soo) are gone. If anything, it made the show funnier when they couple up as a team because there is going to be that 1 odd man out. So, in my opinion, Joong Ki leaving didn’t ruin the comedy. I actually think it improved because they had more time to figure out their own roles and styles

After Choi PD and Myuk PD left

Both of them left at a different time but it was clearly obvious that Myuk PD contributed a lot in terms for humor from his interactions with the members as shown below

  • The members’ or guests’ actions, reactions or luck

Even though the members are funny when interacting with each other or the staff, Running Man has shown that they can be just as funny with their own dumb little choices and actions, they're even funny just by reacting to their missions or whatever happens to them, be it intentional by the staff or not. It's even funnier when you can hear the staff laughing in the background. Lee Kwang Soo is the king when it comes to reactions and unluckiness, it's expected from Running Man's comedic gem. Whether it's Kwang Soo with his signature 'ANDWEE!' or Bad Ji Hyo coming out to take charge, it's a delight to watch.

After Song Joong Ki left

Again, nothing much changed. I can't think of one moment in the later episodes where I would think it would be funnier if I saw Joong Ki reacting to this. I don't want to sound like a broken record about their style improving with time so I'll leave it at here.

After Choi PD and Myuk PD left

Choi PD was known as the one who gave spy missions. When you see him across the table alone, you know you're about to receive some special mission or you'll be trolled (See episode 60 and 82). Either way, whoever is receiving the mission will light up in joy and it really is cute to see them like that. Myuk PD is known for his snarky responses that drive the member insane and to grab him by the collar.

  • Random scenarios 

This is something that no one has control over or never planned for it to happen. I'm not just talking about unlucky stuff happening. Things like their random solutions to the missions, sudden ad-lib, karaoke session and dance sessions, even if planned are most of the highlight for an episode. This can't be anyone's fault because sometimes these things just happen, no matter who is there or not.

In My Opinion

While I enjoy all the episode, I can't deny that I don't find myself going back to watch the newer episodes as much as some of the older ones.The one I find the funniest one all the way is episode 141, but that's not to say the newer ones don't have funny moments, like episode 240, you remember those moments. Here is one of them.

I don't think it's the members' fault for this one even if there is a forced joke every now and then, mainly it's because the show is too busy focusing on the game they prepared that very few time is shown on them interacting with each other but this is something the crew can change, hopefully in time. In the end, it's still a funny show and I wouldn't give it up for anything

Disclaimer: The blog used in this post is not mine and I only own the stuff I write. I use it to make a point and because he is one of my favorite bloggers on Running Man.

See you next time.

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