Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Is Running Man dropping in entertainment?

Last time, we talked about the comedy aspect of Running Man and how much the two changing points of the show, Song Joong Ki leaving and Choi PD and Myuk PD leaving, changed the show. Now, let's continue with the entertainment section. Is Running Man dropping in entertainment and what makes an episode memorable and entertainable?


As mentioned last week, the comedy in this show comes in all shapes and forms, intentional or not. From a simple prank to poking fun about past events, the moments where the gang's actions and reactions are shown on screen are the funniest.

This one, I'm not going to list out. Please read this in last week's post here

Unique and interesting concepts

Running Man has had some interesting guests on the show and with it a lot of amazing concepts. Choi Min Soo as the terrifying Running Man Hunter, Park Ji Sung as Running Man's eternal captain, just to name a few. But some of Running Man's best episodes are when they're on their own. The Survival series, superpowers, Water guns and Yoo-ames Bonds, Incarnation, parodies and flower tea (If you understand this one, congratulations, you're a pretty damn dedicated fan), the staff have taken some of their greatest ideas and inspirations, even from their fans to give us something truly unique.

episode 141 inspired by the Running Animals fanarts,

episode 165 came from a fan-made scrapbook,

episode 182 came from a proposal from a Hong Kong fan e-mailed to the staff,

episode 242 made with e-mails from fans through an event

After Song Joong Ki left
To be honest, while there are changes when he was still here, none of them are as big as the changes now and since he left before most of these concept changes happened, I can't tell for sure how much it could change if he was still here, but I do wonder what Joong Ki's powers and icon animal would be. This one is up to the fans to discuss.

After Choi PD and Myuk PD left
Choi PD is like the Father of Modern Running Man, some of the best episodes exist because of him. Fans were going insane after they heard that Choi PD was leaving because they were worried that we won't get another episode like Incarnation. The staff now is doing okay even if we haven't gotten something as impressive as the 2nd Yoo-ames Bonds or the survival series.

Name tag eliminations

Ahh, the heart of Running Man, the home of half-baked alliances and betrayals around every corner. Name tag eliminations have been in the show from the very first episode, since then it has become the icon of the show with many different twist and turns on it.

the starting point, Bell hide-and-seek

Team vs Team

Spies vs Running Man

and the classic, last-man-standing mode

After Song Joong Ki left
I don't know if it is a pure coincidence or something, the next episode after Joong Ki left is the first 'Survival Series' , that is the start of the Running Man we know today. He was there however when bell hide-and-seek started but I can't think of any memorable moments because of him, more so I remember how imitating Jong Kook was as the leader of the seeker.

After Choi PD and Myuk PD left 
Spies, technical and conditional Nametag elimination with tools, every idea and rendition of it comes from the writers and the PDs. Like I said, in the last one, Choi PD made the turnpoint of Running Man from a good show to a great show. But nametag elimination has been showing up less and less to a rare occasion. Just this year, out of 19 episodes there are only 6 episodes with name tag elimination in it so I hope they change this.

Fun and interesting games

If Name tag elimination is the heart of Running man, the games they play are the bones that keep it upright. Some of the most innovative games are shown in this show. Back then, the games had a lot more weight on them. Rather than just receiving a hint or a minor advantage, for each game they win, they get a running ball that can help them avoid embarrassing punishments. There are games like One-chance, 1 vs X challenge, and Search for the guest game.  

After Song Joong Ki left
I'm not going to lie, most of the games before Joong Ki left are much better than the later ones. There are moments I loved that happened before he left. Here are some of them.

After Choi PD and Myuk PD left
I'm not going to sugarcoat this, the games are great and all but they all feel like recycled games with little to nothing new. Of course, there are exceptions such as 'Face Off', the russian roulette pie game in episode 245.

Emotional Moments

What's the one thing that makes Running Man feel so welcoming and the members so forgiving of each others' mistakes and betrayals? Easy, they're like family. No matter what happens, they know whatever happens in front of the camera is just for fun. Deep down they care for each other and sometimes, their caring side and kindness gets caught on camera.

After Song Joong Ki left
Everyone knows what happened when Joong Ki announced on the show that he was leaving during his last episode. Tears came down and with a heavy heart, they sent off one of the very first Running Man members. It shows how even within half a year their bond grew to the extent that they seemed devastated that he chose to leave.

After Choi PD and Myuk PD left
Everyone remember this moment, the most emotional moment in Running Man history is in a battle between the Running Man members and the PDs. The famous Han River paper boat challenge. They never gave up even if they think it's impossible and even after they fall, they were so determined and pushed through the very end.

Since then, they did another version but instead of each other, they all each go to different colleges and universities to find two students as their teammates. While the moment is not as impacting, the feeling of determination from them is still there and no one can deny that. To this day, I can't remember a moment in the later episode that leaves such a strong impact on me as those two.

In My Opinion

The entertainment section can be hit and miss since there were a few boring episodes but most of them are fun to watch. so with a little more innovation and some fun guests for good measurement, we've got a show we will never forget or stop loving. That's all for now, feel free to voice your thoughts and tell me what makes an episode fun for you.

See you next time.

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