Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My Random Thoughts: Humanity and the trolls

Recently I discovered a YouTube channel that conducts social experiments, while people may think they're pranks. I don't think the people in the video should feel like they've been played, rather I hope the video makers say, "thanks for caring, no matter what, keep it up and have a great day."

But that's not why I'm talking about this, I'm talking about this because of one of the comments I saw.

I know what people say, "Don't feed the trolls", but this is a different case. some people in the comments for these kinds of videos aren't seeing the whole picture. I'm not trying to justify what the man in the video did but I can say that the other dude may have a point when he replies to that comment.

In a world we are see more new comments and posts than new faces, I think it's safe to assume that a lot of different people we haven't met yet, with their own backstories and worries. We keep worrying about humanity and what the future will become but why are worrying about the future if the present is already in a mess and no one gives a damn about it.

And for starters, we can start by stop cursing another person's life. He isn't a serial killer, he did made a small mistake. We can't see what is on his mind and we've all done it things we regret before, but hoping someone will die is a bit extreme, especially, when the other dude tried to reason with him (although the whole Osama Bin Laden thing is also a tad too far).

We can't judge someone entirely in one action or mistake, it's not fair to him. All I ask is maybe we can learn that if you can't see his side of the story, we can't determine if he is a bad person because humans aren't perfect but we can change for the better.

Anyways, feel free to voice your opinions or experiences with these things.

See you next time.

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