Friday, May 15, 2015

10 morals shown in My Little Pony

My Little Pony did a pretty good at presenting itself as a show for all ages and for all who can accept it, that's why I like this show. There are a lot of good morals shown in this show, some morals which I never expected it see in a show like this and here are 10 morals from My Little Pony that I think are great and handled maturely.

Take note that all these are in no particular order and how the episode presents the moral does affect what I think of it.

1. You're all kinds of awesome just the way you are (Flight to the Finish)

This is a moral I loved in the show and it seems fitting that Scootaloo learns this since it's shown that she can't fly as a Pegasus and it must have did a number to her confidence.

Thanks to Plastic Tiara and Twisted Spoon's lowest point of insults to her, her self-esteem gets crushed as her disability is brought into full light.

She believes that she can never fly and gives up but Rainbow Dash (following under continuity of Sleepless in Ponyville) reassures that flying isn't important in the end because the ponies who matter like you for who you are and that you're awesome either way. I never thought that they would use this topic because it's pretty sensitive. This is an important message especially if you have been bullied because of a disability you have, it doesn't matter what they say, just remember what the people who care for you say.

2. The past of someone doesn't define who they are now (Luna Eclipsed and Rainbow Rocks)

These are shown in both the movie and Luna Eclipsed, Both Sunset Shimmer and Luna did something in the past that may not leave the best impression on people, Princess Luna got jealous of her sister and turned herself into Nightmare Moon.

While Sunset Shimmer was a school bully and used Twilight's element to turn herself into a raging she-demon, hey it's not me, she's the one who said it.

Anyways, even after they changed their ways, it's hard for people to see and believe that, some people even believe that they're lying just to stay in other's good graces. Even if someone has done something in the past they regret, you shouldn't hold it against them. No one is perfect and people should be giving the benefit of the doubt, they may even show a tender side which is never seen before.

3. It's better to break out the truth than to keep believing in a lie (Leap of Faith)

As shown in Return to Harmony, the truth does sometimes hurt and a lie can be easier to take.

In Leap of Faith, AppleJack faces the dilemma of revealing the Flim Flam Brother's tonic as nothing more than a placebo (a fake cure, usually a harmless liquid or pill that has no effect but used to treat some people from the expectation of it's effects) but possible destroying her Granny Smith's happiness. Everyone has faced a dilemma like this, where telling the truth may not be the best option. There are times where a white lie can help, but most of the times it's better to be honest because a belief based on a lie can lead to all kinds of trouble.

4. You shouldn't let pride get the better of you. (Pinkie Pride)

Pinkie Pie as the 'super duper party pony' of Ponyville thinks she isn't special anymore once a new party pony who comes to town, Cheese Sandwich (Voiced by Weird Al) and offers to headline Rainbow Dash's Birth-a-versary bash.Her pride instigates her to challenge Cheese Sandwich to a goof-off but realizes that Rainbow is suffering because of this and forfeits the goof-off.

She admits that Cheese Sandwich is a great party pony and she should be the bigger pony to admit it. At the end, they team up to plan the best party ever.

There are times where we find it hard to give credit where credit is due, especially when it's something we do best. However, we should be modest and we should not let our pride take us over like that, making us do things without thinking straight. We can even learn something new from them and improve upon our skills, by working together we could also create something amazing.

5. Only by letting go of past mistake can you shine in the future. (Equestria Games)

Spike is a hero in the Crystal Empire after bringing the crystal heart to Princess Cadence and saving the empire.

So he is given the honor of lighting the torch at the opening ceremony of the Equestria Games but he gets choked up and fails to do it, needing Twilight to cast a spell to help him in secret.

When he finds it isn't him who lit the torch, he feels disappointed and tries to contribute by singing the anthem for the winners of the aerial relay, but the winners are from Cloudsdale and since he doesn't know the Cloudsdale anthem , he embarrasses himself and hides away.

Even after saving a stadium of ponies from a frozen cloud, he doesn't feel special because he feels that he let himself down during the opening.

We have all made mistakes that we regret and wish we can take it back, but we shouldn't let it hold us back. I believe everything happens for a reason, even mistakes. We should just see it as a setback, forgiving ourselves for our past mistakes is difficult sometimes but only by doing that can we truly let go and learn to change yourself for the better. Soon, when the time comes, we can light up the whole sky.

6. You should take your friends' feelings seriously, even if you think it's nothing to worry about (Lesson Zero)

Twilight realises that she hasn't sent a letter on friendship to Princess Celestia this week, worried that she will be punished for being late and sent back to magic kindergarten or forcing her to leave her friends, she tries to find a friendship problem to solve before the sun sets.

It starts getting to her and she slowly gets driven to insanity.

At the picnic, She asks her friends for help on it, saying that her life depends on it, but her friends think she's getting all work out over nothing and doesn't see handing in her letter late as a big deal.

At the end, she tries to make a friendship problem by enchanting her doll and causes a frenzy over it.

Her friends finally realise how much this is affecting Twilight, they apologize to her and beg Princess Celestia to not punish her. To be honest, I didn't think she was going to punish Twilight anyways. Sometimes, we may see our friends' concerns as meaningless or not important, like the mane 5 with Twilight, we may think that they're wasting time on something we can't see is important to them. No matter what the case, they are our friends and we should at least try and understand from their point of view. Only then can we related to them and even support them when they need it,

7. Your path is made to fit you, so don't worry about your future right now (Bloom and Gloom)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders suddenly think about what Cutie Marks will do to their lives and we see it through AppleBloom's dreams.

The fear of a cutie mark that she doesn't like,

 a cutie mark that will ruin her friendships

or a cutie mark that will push her family away from her.

Seems similar? Just change 'cutie marks' into 'jobs' or something like it. The first time that comes to mind for me, at least, are high school students who just graduated, unsure what to do next .If they go to college or university, there is still which one to go to, what major to pick based on what you want, what your friends are taking or what your family wants you to take. These are a lot of hard and open-ended questions that no one can answer but yourself so sometimes these things take time to unravel itself and it may be too early to worry about the consequences of your choices, especially when you don't have to make them yet.

8. It's okay to not succeed (Rainbow Rocks)

I know it's not the main moral in the movie, but it is the one I really liked in Rainbow Rocks. Twilight needs to write a musical counter spell to break the Dazzlings' spell and the humane 5 plus Sunset Shimmer are glad that Twilight has returned with the solution to free Canterlot High.

But that also comes with expectations, Twilight can't seem to get it right but she doesn't want to let her friends down.

And with the Dazzlings gaining more power, she gets more and more stressed until she finally breaks down.Sunset tells Twilight that nobody has supposed to have all the answers but you can rely on your friends to help.

Just because you try your hardest, it doesn't guarantee success. It's okay to fail every now and then because nobody is perfect.

9. There is more than one way to learn and one isn't better than the other (Testing, testing 1,2,3)

As shown in the episode and this picture, there are many ways to learn and each person can have a different way to learn something, it can even be a mix of two ways. Twilight uses a classic logical study method, taking notes, highlighting and making flash card.

Fluttershy uses a visual method, using movies and plays to learn the info.

Pinkie is an auditory learner, she transforms the lessons into lyrics for a song to remember.

I'm not really sure about Rarity's, it looks like a mix of visual and kinesthetic learning.

While AppleJack is a kinesthetic and an ease learner, learning about apples from years of working at Sweet Apple Acres and her devotion to it. There is more than one method and each person learns differently, so don't be surprised if your study methods might not work for someone else. The same goes for schools, if you can't learn with homework and lectures, try if your own way can work and if not, grab a cup of Joe because it's gonna be a long night of forced studying ahead of you.

10. Keep an open mind to everything before you try it (Read it and weep)

Rainbow hurts herself and can't fly for a few days, worried that she will die of boredom, Twilight suggests she read a book while recovering, "Daring Do and the quest for the sapphire statue" but she shrugs it off because reading is for 'eggheads'. Eventually, she tries to read it and ends up loving it.

People say it reminded them of how they got into MLP to begin with. Same case for me, although I didn't think anything bad of the show and its fandom, I never thought of watching it, but when I started, I got invested and I was excited for every new episode coming out. While I am not a huge fan of the show, making fanworks for it, I still love the show for what it is. This is my golden rule for anything, you can't judge until you really try it with an open mind.

There are so many more unique morals and messages that blows my mind. I hope the staff keep up an amazing job to give us more mature morals and show people how special this show can be, how much a show can impact someone. Anyways, that's for now. feel free to voice your thoughts.

See you next time.

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