Thursday, December 31, 2015

My top 5 Cartoon of 2015

With 2015 coming to a close, it makes sense to recollect on some of the best I've seen and with so many competitors, it will be a hard choice to make.

5. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
This year hasn't been a good year for MLP, especially with that mid-season hiatus. It's a shame too because of the start that it had, it was so good with episodes like Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep

and Tanks For The Memories.

But that mid-season hiatus for Friendship Games pushed them out of the loop, then there are some episodes after the hiatus was over I think that weren't worth the wait, like What About Discord

and The Hooffields and McColts.

However, the team showed us that they've still got it with the musical voice of Lena Halls in the episode, The Mane Attraction.

But with so much done, I wonder what's next for this one of a kind series.

4. Star vs The Forces of Evil
I've only started on the end of the year and I love this show, but I am kinda thankful that they didn't start this one sooner because I could never get anything done with how much fun I have with every episode.

The show is so much fun, it's like a roller coaster that you don't wanna get off of but when it wants to be serious, the show can do serious moments very well.

My favourite episode is St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses. Marco cross-dressing and a big development for Star including what she does for what she stands for and the friends she cares for.

3. Over the Garden Wall
I still stand by what I said but man... the stuff that's good is so good.

I love Wirt and all his flaws, he feels so real.

Beatrice is so sympathetic because of her backstory and I like her for the character that she is.

Greg is still my least favourite but he does have that nice and innocent charm to him that you really can't stay mad at him for.

The story is phenomenal but it's not really recommended for children under at least 8 years old. So watch this on Halloween one time if you haven't yet.

2. Steven Universe
Those who know me well know I love a good well written story for both children and adults, Steven Universe is just an all around amazing show.

I adore Rebecca Sugar for showing me about what a show can teach. For those who want a good start, just watch the first 10 episodes then you can watch Too Many Birthdays and the Lion series.

These are all great tear-jerkers if you're looking for some.

1. Gravity Falls
For this one, I've gotta thank my best friend and the one I can call my closest companion, Aleks for it. I wasn't going to start this show until the end of this year like the others but he convinced me to just do it and I feel like a 10 year old girl again watching this.

This show has so many things I love and characters I can't even stand to hate anymore.

Alex Hirsch has essentially given me another childhood and now I finally know what it's like to watch summer end. It kinda hurts to see it end but since it's on his terms, I really can't say much.

Gravity Falls, thank you for my first summer.

That's all for this one. 2015 has been a great year for animation and I hope that 2016 brings on even more unique ideas and even more realistic stories. Feel free to voice out your ideas and opinions on your favourite cartoons.

See you next time.

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