Friday, August 7, 2015

Monster High movies vs Equestria Girls: Part 2 [Equestria Girls]

Welcome back to part 2 of this 3-parter, if you missed part 1, feel free to click here for get a quick read. Now that Monster High has been glossed over, time for Equestria Girls. Since most of the people who read this are bronies, I don't think I have to explain much for Equestria Girls since most reviewer and brony analyst have pretty much ripped these 2 apart and dissected them. So I will be going a little more in depth with how different they are.

I will be blatantly honest with you guys here, there is no more I can input into these 2 movies that have not already been said. All I can give is my opinion which is, Equestria Girl 1, for as ridiculous and silly it was, I enjoyed it. It wasn't exactly cheese-sandwich-with-bacon amazing, but it was a fun watch.

But if you want to hear more than just my opinion, you can listen to these 3 wonderful people

As for Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, it's a huge improvement from the first one.

The music is fitting and catchy,

animation feels so much smoother and more fluent and everyone's most hated antagonist since King Sombra turns into every bronies' waifu, and while I do not feel the same way about Sunset (Flame shield UP), I do like Sunset more and I feel that she has become a 3 dimensional character rather than the 1 dimensional bully-villain character in the first movie.

Now this is something I came across my research through the vast database of YouTube and Google, when I type Monster High movies, I rarely see anyone making reviews for the movies, ironically I see more reviews for their dolls.

For Equestria Girls, I see reviews, remixes and more.

Monster High has been around for about as long as Friendship is Magic, so why is it that the My Little Pony is getting most of the attention?

Firstly, the brony community is insanely huge and influential.

I haven't seen a single channel talking about Monster High that's not talking about their toy line. The brony community has analysts and reviewers like Voice of Reason, Dr. Wolf and Silver Quill.

We have fan animators and parody artists, we have talented musicians who can write, sing and make some pretty awesome remixes.

Unless the Monster High fanbase can start up the same act to share their love, their community may not grow.

Also thank you 4chan and all the people both discussing and dissing the show, with this the herd shall continue to grow into a larger and hopefully more charming, sarcastic yet mature community.

Secondly, this is something I came across when watching Monster High, it does not take risk. It stays the same formula with the plots with a few changes and that's it. It's always going to talk about old and stale high school girl cliches and most of the episodes feel uninteresting, for those who say you can't make an interesting plot within a few minutes, I say No. There are ways of making a plot unique and interesting.

Their other series, Ever After High manages to do it for me. Why you may ask? Because the show gave the viewer something to look forward to in the earlier episodes, which was the story arc about Legacy Day and about the storybook of legends.

So there is no excuse that Monster High can not do that too.

As for Friendship is Magic, I wrote a piece about some of the best morals I've seen in the show so far, go read it if you want to.

As for the movies, and only the movies, when with a longer time, the stories they tell just aren't that interesting. Read the first one to get what I mean, it feels like a story I heard before again and again with the exception of Ghouls Rule, which I still think is the best out of all the MH movies because the movie felt like it had a story to tell, not just to sell toys.

While Equestria Girls feels more like fan pandering, I will happily take a weird plotline than no plotline and for Rainbow Rocks, you can tell that the main reason for this movie is to redeem Sunset Shimmer and it worked amazingly.

The movies have to have a purpose and it has to do it well, with Monster High, the TV specials were more interesting than the movies because the TV specials had a better story and better plot twist. I could name all the cliches that each movie have, that both Monster High and Equestria Girls have, but you have to admit that Equestria Girls used them better.

This covers most of what I wanted to talk about for Equestria Girls and a bit about why Equestria Girls seem to stand out to the crowd more than Monster High. Next time is the comparison.

See you next time.

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