Tuesday, June 30, 2015

5 questions from the fans of Running Man

With the ever changing concepts of Running Man, there have been a lot of ideas, speculations and worries among the fandom. So today I have chosen 5 questions and concerns the fans have for Running Man, these questions are either pop out almost every time so I'm going to say my thoughts on the case.

1. Is Running Man focusing on guests more often a thing now?

Running Man has always been focusing on guests every time one shows up. They are the guests, of course. They are there to draw attention of their fans to the show or for the fans of Running Man to check out their work.

There are 2 type of guests, guests that are here to promote their work

and guests who are invited because of the theme of the episode.

The question should be since focusing guests have always been a thing, why are fans complaining about this now? It's because some of the guests are not as interesting as some of the others when the focus is on the guests. When it's not interesting, you will want the show to focus back on the members since they're more interesting to watch. Because of this, you will notice the show constantly focusing on the guests more than usual.

2. Is Running Man's ratings dropping?

Yes and no, it's quite unstable in Korea but that's not where most of Running Man's fans are at. The fans are mostly scattered all across the world so the ratings in South Korea aren't exactly accurate. In my opinion, unless we, the fans or the members and staff themselves decide to put this show behind them, the station will not cancel Running Man because it is one of the few shows in South Korea to reach such a broad audience.

3. Should any members be added or replaced?

For the last time, NO!!! All the members fit together like a set of jigsaw puzzle, any piece missing won't make a complete picture so again, unless it's the member's' choice to leave, I will disagree with this idea.

If they think they choose not to leave even with Ji Suk Jin with his age or Kim Jong Kook with his health issues, what place do we as mere viewer have to ask them to leave?

The best act of kindness we can do is to give each and every member with as such love and support as they deserve. For adding members, that's up for the staff to decide, not us. But I say they won't since they said before that 7 was the perfect number for the show. Hey, you don't mess with perfection, OK?

4. Will Yoon Eun Hye show up on Running Man?

Let me show you a comment I made before I started this blog.

Yes, that is my honest-to-god opinion, I DON'T CARE,"then why did you bring this up?", you may ask. Well, it's because this is pretty much a beaten dead horse. Eun Hye isn't going to show up and start back their long but not yet forgotten love line with Kim Jong Kook.

It was cute at first but it's just like Frozen, people will get sick and tired of this demand and if Eun Hye is not in a team with Jong Kook or not participating in the love line, the fans will still leash out even after they got Eun Hye on the show.

5. Why are there fewer and fewer nametag ripping games in the later episodes?

I have 2 theories, the first being it didn't fit the theme or that it was not interesting. It happens sometimes and you just need some new and refreshing twist on each game, and it's not like the final missions for these later episodes are bad, the racing mission in episode 250 is one of the more serious and intense mission

and the elevator telepathy mission at the end of episode 251, I already mentioned it as one of the sweetest endings in Running Man history.

The second one is that the members can't take that many physical activities. The members are humans too, with their hectic schedules, they can only use so much energy before passing out. Like I said earlier, this is the nature of their career so all we can do is give them as much love and support as they need.

Well, that's it for now. As usual, feel free to voice your thoughts and opinions. I would love to see what your views for these questions

See you next time.

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